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Prevent and manage running-related injuries

Prevent and manage running-related injuries

Running is a popular and easily accessible exercise with numerous health benefits. However, it also carries a high risk of knee injuries, particularly patellofemoral pain, which accounts for 17% of all running-related injuries.

Pain in the front of the knee. What is it?!

Pain in the front of the knee. What is it?!

Based on the clinical practice guidelines on PFPS, or pain in the front of your knee, what are the few causes of PFPS, what you can do, or not and how long you will take to get better.

Is running bad for my knees? Does BMI matter?

Is running bad for my knees? Does BMI matter?

You want to return to running yet concerned if your body weight will risk yourself from getting knee injuries. What should you do? Can Physiotherapy help? Here is a short article to help us understand if BMI matters.